Cereal Surprise

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I don’t know about you, but me and Wendell love sweet cereals like:

         The only problem is that my mom has only been buying healthy cereals lately.  So we have to add sugar ourselves if we want our cereal to be sweet.

Postcard Prank

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     I was so excited when I checked the mail today.  Augie had sent me a postcard.  It had a picture of a zebra on the front.  On the back it said:

Chutes 'n Splatters

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When my parents bought a new freezer for the garage, it came in a huge cardboard box.  Wendell and I made it into a fort.
One day we went to our bedroom and noticed that the fort had been tagged.  When we turned around, Lynette stood there laughing.

Faux Poo Prank

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  This was probably the dirtiest trick I’ve ever tried.  Wendell made fake potting soil by crushing up Oregon-O cookies in a plastic bag, and I shaped leftover brownies with my bare hands.  “That looks disgusting!” Wendell said as I formed walnut brownies into the shape of dog poo.

Bucket of "Acid"

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          One of my chores for today was to mop the kitchen.  That reminded me of one of the booby traps me and Augie thought up.  I filled a bucket about half full of soapy water and stood on the kitchen countertop.  I yelled, “Wendell, come here quick.  I need your help!”

        Sure enough, he came running, “What?”

          “Grab the mop and hold the handle up to the bottom of the bucket.”

        I held the bucket so that its top was up against the ceiling.  Once the mop was in place, I slowly let go of the bucket. 

“You got it?” I asked.

“Yeah, but why am I doing this?”

I got down from the counter and said, “‘Cause now you’re trapped.  You let go, and the bucket falls.”

Zip Line Knock Out

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     I needed a little luck and things to line up just right to pull this one off.  I made a zip line that ran from a branch high up in a tree down to the ground. I connected a full sized punching bag to the line and set it up in the tree.  I would lure Wendell in using a piƱata as the bait. 

Army Guy Carousel

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     I promised to let Wendell in on my next booby trap, so we decided to target our sister’s boyfriend, Arthur.